Work Bonus Age Pension For These Australians In 2024: Know Eligibility & More Details

By Gaurav Kumar

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Work Bonus Age Pension For These Australians In 2024

The Work Bonus Age Pension is an Australian government initiative designed to encourage older Australians to continue working while receiving Age Pension benefits.

It allows Age Pension recipients to earn a certain amount of income from work without negatively affecting their pension payments.

This initiative not only helps maintain the financial stability of pensioners but also supports the economy by keeping skilled and experienced workers active in the workforce.

Here’s a detailed look at Work Bonus Age Pension 2024, including eligibility, changes, how it works, and how much you can earn.

Work Bonus Age Pension 2024

The Work Bonus program allows Age Pension recipients to earn extra income from work without immediately reducing their pension payments.

For 2024, the Work Bonus has undergone important changes to provide more flexibility and benefits to older Australians who want to stay in the workforce:

  • The maximum Work Bonus amount that can be accrued has increased from $7,800 to $11,800. This means you can accumulate more unused Work Bonus in your income bank to offset future earnings.
  • New pensioners can now start with a $4,000 Work Bonus income bank balance instead of the previous $0. This change provides immediate protection for new recipients who start working after retirement.

How the Work Bonus Works

The Work Bonus is designed to reduce the impact of earned income on Age Pension payments. Here’s how it functions:

  • Pension Income-Free Area: This is the income you can earn before your Age Pension is reduced. In 2024, the fortnightly income-free area is $204 for singles and $360 for couples. Any income above this threshold could reduce your pension.
  • Work Bonus: Under the Work Bonus scheme, the first $300 earned from employment or self-employment in a fortnight is not counted toward the income test that affects your Age Pension. This means you can earn $300 every two weeks without any impact on your pension.
  • Work Bonus Income Bank: If you don’t earn $300 in a fortnight, the unused portion goes into your Work Bonus income bank, up to a maximum of $11,800. This balance can then be used to offset future income that exceeds the income-free area, allowing you to protect your pension even if your income fluctuates.
  • Offsetting Income: If your income exceeds the income-free area and the Work Bonus threshold, your pension will be reduced. However, if you have unused balance in your Work Bonus income bank, it will be used to offset this extra income, protecting your Age Pension.

These combined measures help ensure that retirees can continue working part-time or casually while keeping more of their pension payments.

Eligibility for the Work Bonus

To be eligible for the Work Bonus, you must meet certain criteria:

  • You must be Age Pension age, which is currently 67 years.
  • You must be receiving or be eligible to receive the Age Pension.
  • You must be earning income from employment or self-employment.

Income from investments, superannuation pensions, or rental properties is not eligible for the Work Bonus—it applies only to income from work.

How Much Can You Earn?

The amount you can earn while still receiving the Age Pension with the Work Bonus depends on several factors:

  • Your Age: Being eligible for the Age Pension is crucial.
  • Your Partner’s Income: If you’re part of a couple, your partner’s income also affects your combined household income.
  • Other Income Sources: Non-work income, such as from investments or superannuation, still counts toward your pension income test.
  • Work Bonus Income Bank Balance: The more you have in your Work Bonus income bank, the more income you can offset before your pension is affected.


For a single pensioner with no other sources of income, they can earn:

  • $204 per fortnight under the pension income-free area,
  • $300 per fortnight under the Work Bonus,

This means they can earn $504 per fortnight (or about $13,104 per year) from employment without any reduction in their Age Pension.

For couples, the combined income-free area is $360 per fortnight, and both partners can use the Work Bonus if they are both working.

How Self-Employed Pensioners Benefit

Self-employed pensioners can also benefit from the Work Bonus, but income calculations may be more complex. Income from self-employment is assessed by subtracting business expenses from the gross income earned.

As with employed workers, the first $300 of income per fortnight is exempt from the pension income test, and unused portions can accrue in the Work Bonus income bank.

The Work Bonus Age Pension is a valuable tool for older Australians who wish to continue working without losing their financial security. Originally a temporary measure introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the increased Work Bonus allowance has now become a permanent feature of the pension system.

The Work Bonus is particularly helpful for part-time workers, whose income may fluctuate from month to month. For self-employed individuals, it offers a similar benefit, although the method for calculating income may vary.

The Work Bonus program demonstrates the Australian Government’s commitment to encouraging older citizens to remain in the workforce while ensuring their financial well-being is maintained. It allows pensioners to balance their income from work with the security of continued Age Pension payments.


How much can I earn with the Work Bonus in 2024?

You can earn $300 per fortnight from work without affecting your pension. This is on top of the income-free area of $204 for singles or $360 for couples.

What is the Work Bonus income bank limit in 2024?

You can accrue up to $11,800 in your Work Bonus income bank to offset future income.

Can self-employed pensioners use the Work Bonus?

Yes, but their income is calculated differently, deducting business expenses from gross earnings.

Is the Work Bonus permanent?

Yes, the temporary increase introduced during the pandemic is now permanent, allowing pensioners to benefit long-term.

Will other income sources affect my Work Bonus?

Only work-related income is eligible for the Work Bonus. Other income, such as investments, will still affect your Age Pension under the income test.

Gaurav Kumar

A tax law expert with a knack for breaking down complex regulations into digestible insights. Gaurav's articles on the tax news blog offer invaluable guidance to readers navigating changes in tax legislation.

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